High Vibrational Healing is proud to be certified in AcuDetox by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. AcuDetox is a 5-point ear acupuncture treatment which works with the body’s natural detoxification and healing mechanisms to enhance health and healing, both physical and emotional.
Due to COVID-19, AcuDetox services are temporarily suspended. Please check back in May of 2021 for updates on vaccinated adults’ eligibility to receive AcuDetox at High Vibrational Healing!
To address stress, addiction, and trauma, AcuDetox is an evidence-based protocol which integrates Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern Western knowledge about how the body processes and moves physical and emotional “toxicity” through the system. Using specific ear acupuncture points in a prescribed order, the treatment often sets the stage for immense relief and release for participants – no talk therapy required!
Does it hurt?
The needles used for ear acupuncture are far smaller than needles used for sewing or vaccinations. While they are small and inserted gently, some participants experience a slight “sting” or an “ache” at a needle site where there happens to be a great deal of energy needing to move through the system. This sensation usually passes quickly and the remainder of the treatment is relaxing in nature.
Are needles sterile?
Yes. Needles used for AcuDetox are single use. They are removed from original packaging for each individual treatment and discarded in a sharps container at the end of the treatment.
What are the benefits of AcuDetox?
The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association reports AcuDetox can:
- Reduce cravings for alcohol and drugs, including nicotine
- Minimize withdrawal symptoms
- Increase calmness, better sleep, and less agitation
- Relieve stress and emotional trauma
- An easier connection with counseling
- A discovery of inner quiet and strength
How do I start?
High Vibrational Healing offers an AcuDetox treatment as part of a Stress Management Group on Thursdays at noon. If you’re interested, please email amandamedwardsLPC@gmail.com to register! This group is FREE for individuals with Medicaid and just $25 for those without Medicaid coverage.
Please note there will be no group on the following dates:
Thursday, March 5, 2020